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Mike Hollow

Mike Hollow

Mike Hollow is the Head coach at The Elite Pro Wrestling Academy. Alongside owner and assistant coach Scott Reed they have created the Northeast’s largest training facility. With it a training curriculum and intense training schedule that sets the standards for professional wrestling coaching.

Mike Hollow began his wrestling career in 1992 under the guidance of WWE legendary trainer Killer Kowalski. His love for the sport runs deep. At the young age of 5, he sat glued to the television, marveling at what he someday aspired to be. Growing up, Mike attended as many live shows as he could and grasped as much information as possible. Soon enough, Mike’s dreams were being made a reality when his friend offered him a job as a ring crew assistant traveling the United States with the WWF.

Wrestling all over the US, Mike developed an understanding of the sport both in and out of the ring. Mastering the fundamentals became vital to Hollow as he transitioned from an in-ring career to a pro wrestling trainer. Mike’s dedication has allowed him to build and develop a contingent of superstars within the pro wrestling industry.

Mike’s training philosophies have derived from some of the greatest names in wrestling. Basic fundamentals from Walter Killer Kowalski, in ring psychology from Pat Patterson and Dr. Tom Pritchard.
While working with Mike, wrestlers are able to clean up bad habits, develop their potential by identifying their strengths and weaknesses as well as evolve their ability’s.


  • More than 30 years of experience
  • Trained wrestlers such as:
  • Kofi Kingston  (WWE)   
  • Todd Smith aka Ivar (WWE)
  • Tommaso Ciampa (WWE)
  • Biff Busick aka Oney Lorcan  (WWE)
  • Dijack (WWE)
  • Brian Milonas (ROH)
  • Damien Sandow aka  Aron Stevens (WWE)
  • Palmer Canon  (WWE)
  • Ken Doane aka Kenny Dykstra (WWE)
  • Darren Young  (WWE)
  • Chad Wicks ( WWE )
  • Johnny Curtis aka Fandango (WWE)
  • Josh Briggs (WWE)